Submit Profile Update

Update Your Own Profile on the Alumni League – Virtual Network

[Or UPDATE another Alumnus’ Profile]

Verify your information using name, email, and class year. And then submit your profile updates. All updates will be sent to the Alumni League Admins and posted once the information is approved. This is to protect the integrity of the information on the Alumni League Virtual Network

Verify Name and Class Year (Required):

Full Name (required)

Email (required - will remain private)

USC Class Year (required)

Information to be Updated:

information to be Updated:

Edit Full Name

Edit Email

Edit USC Class Year

Edit Service

Social Information:

Edit LinkedIn Profile (e.g.")

Edit Facebook Profile (e.g.")

Edit Alumni League Profile Photo (Max 1Mb, .jpg, .png, .gif only)

Service Information:

Edit Highest Achieved Rank

Edit Current Status

Edit Secondary Status (If filling out for another Alumnus)

Edit Operating Specialty / Community (e.g. Surface Warfare, Infantry, Intelligence)

Biographical Information:

Edit USC Degree (e.g. B.S. Business, B.A. Political Science)

Edit Full Biography [TEXT]

Edit Additional Notes (optional)

Secure Submit:

Enter the Security Code Below:


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